A big concern with any water system is water loss. Leaks on water mains and services may take months to reach the ground surface, or may never get large enough to surface. It is important that we keep this in check and limit the amount of water we lose, because we are ultimately paying to treat and distribute that water. To limit the water loss, we have adopted a program to eliminate leaks in a more timely fashion.
The way we go about this is fairly simple. We have a device that enhances our ability to listen to leaks. Pictured to the left is our listening device. Essentially, we use it to listen to each and every fire hydrant in town. This will get us in the general ballpark for where a leak exists.
Once we find a leak we utilize more sophisticated equipment to pinpoint it. We will put sensors on water valves around the leak and input data into the leak correlator CPU. From there, it utilizes the frequency and amplitude of the sound through the pipe to determine where the leak is located on that segment of pipe. A picture of the equipment is shown below.
Ultimately, our goal with this is to reduce the water loss in our system and only treat the water that gets used. If you see someone out on the sidewalk with this equipment on their body listening to a fire hydrant, you now know what they are trying to do.